September One Day Trial Rider Notes

All riders in the 26th September One Day Trial must read and agree to the following guidelines:


Riders must comply with any local guidelines in relation to the area they are travelling from. If you have a travel or any other restrictions you must abide by these. In this case please contact the club secretary David Dougan

Please check the website for your rider number and start time 

All entrants are assumed to have read and accepted to the Trial Regulations.


You are asked to arrive and register at the venue at least one hour before your set-off time.

On arrival keep a minimum of 2 meters between vehicles - effectively park only in every second bay.

Once parked up please present your trials registration card at the start point where you will be given your number board.


1st riders leave at 9.30am in groups of 4 with following starts setting off at 5-minute intervals.

The course is 2 laps, each lap having 20 sections. 5 1/2 hours are permitted to complete the course, which will be closed off by a back marker.

At ALL times keep to your bubble of 4 and adhere to social distancing guidance.

The course is approximately 12 miles long so make sure you have a full tank of fuel before starting


Results will be published on our website from Thursday the 1st October


You will be given a meal voucher by a Course Official on completion of the trial.

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